crossOrigin property defaults to "Anonymous" when an invalid value is used.preload attribute now correctly reflects as an enumerated value. HTMLMediaElement now have a seekable property that return a TimeRanges object.The HTML5 selectionDirection property makes it possible to define the direction of the selection in an editable text.Document.getSelection() now returns the same Selection object as window.getSelection(), instead of stringifying it.Fixed a bug that caused pressing delete or backspace at the beginning of a ntenteditable area to affect the previous contenteditable block if one is present.Fixed a bug that prevents justification from taking effect properly when applied to the first line in a ntenteditable area.When editing ntenteditable areas, exiting a heading by pressing return, or exiting list editing mode by pressing return twice, now returns to paragraph entry mode (that is, paragraphs inside blocks) instead of separating lines by elements.You can now use window.postMessage() to pass File and FileList objects between windows.Event handling in nested s has been fixed.
The FileReaderSync interface (part of the FileAPI) has been implemented.BlobBuilder now has a getFile() method that returns the content of the blob as a file.The insertAdjacentHTML method has been implemented.In a set of nested elements click events do no longer trigger multiple elements, which caused Firefox to stop responding in the past (see bug 646157).Most elements now get a focus ring drawn around them if they've been made focusable by using the tabindex attribute and the user then focuses the element.The and elements now support the selectionDirection attribute, and their setSelectionRange() methods have been updated to support optionally specifying a direction.Support for the HTMLElement.accessKeyLabel attribute has been added to all elements.The HTML5 "context menu" feature ( contextmenu attribute), which lets you add custom element specific items to native context menu, is now supported (the implementation is still experimental awaiting changes in the specification see bug 617528).No elements have implemented this interface since before Firefox 4. The HTMLIsInde圎lement constructor has been removed.The HTMLSelectElement.add() method now supports either an item or index of an item that the new item should be inserted before.The HTMLImageElement crossOrigin property has been added and the crossorigin attribute has been added to the element.